Friday 3 February 2012

3 february~

esok dah 3 februari kn..
kejap je dari stahun ke setahun tu..
tu la hakikat kehidupan..
dan tarikh kat atas tu dah jadi another important date yg akan sy ingat..
genaplah 3 tahun arwah nenek sy kembali kepada Yang Maha Pencipta..
nenek yg saya sayang sgt2..
nenek yg selalu menangkan sy..
mcm janggal pulak panggil nenek kan..
i used to call her mok..
the one yg jaga sy dr sekecik2 orang..
sampai bole jadi sebesar2 orang..
everytime I remember her now..
mesti terasa jari2 sy yg xberapa runcing ni dia genggam erat last time..
n betapa susahnye nak terima hakikat that she was not here anymore..
dr kecik tau dia ade..
that made me feel she would always be there for me..

n dulu2 whenever I drew story..
the story would be about a beautiful girl *budak2 mesti nk imagine one day will be beautiful girl@princess..mane ade nak imagine jd besar godang sampai semua baju jd sempit cm sy*

ok back to the story..
"it was a story of a beautiful girl...
stayed with her grandmother.. 
and they lived happily in the jungle..
in a very big and beautiful mansion..
and behind their mansion,
there was a hut (now I would think it is more to pharmacy)
where they stored a lot of the granny's medicines..
and the medicines were meant to make the granny stay alive and young..
and would never die forever (and now it sounds like cerita hantu or susuk rupenye)"

remembering thestoryline of my imagination makes me cry :(
how stupid i was to think i would never want her to leave me..
and I still think the same masa mok mula2 xde..
I thought I can't live without her..

but i manage to get through it..
even after she's gone almost every night I would dream of her..
and tak ingat pun since when she's no more in my dream..
betapa telitinya perancangan Allah kn..
dia tak terus bagi sy rasa hilangnya mok dlm sekelip mata..

for still be breathing..
and tonight I can recite Yassin for you mok..
May Allah ease your journey to Jannah..

p/s: i miss you so just Him that can link me to you~


  1. di satu sisi kak yum adalah seorang yg ber'jiwa' walaupun aku selalu kena ayat pedih ko.. :)

    1. ooo..azmi cari ruang je nak balas dendam rupenye..ahaha..xpe ni hari ko..memang ak punya 'jiwa' halus tau..jgn x caya di sebalik brutal ak..:)
