Tuesday 31 January 2012

losing grip~

tajuk nak avril lavigne aje..
suke ati la nak tajuk ape..
tp 2 la ape yg sy rasa..
like i hv no stand to hold on..
it feels like when you are crossing hanging bridge..
gayat nooo~

tahun2 akhir cmni slalu wat rasa tak tenteram,
jiwa berkecamuk,
marah xmenentu,
banyak persoalan yang berada di minda,
banyak tanda tanya dan juga kata kerja.eyh.
siap baca sambil nyanyi nampak? 

back to business..
bile saat2 genting macam ni,
rasa mcm sume tak kena..
dah 5 tahun belajar pn rasa xtau pape..
and you should know that I'm a person with low self-esteem..
bile orang bagi sentap sket dah rasa
incomplete me.
then dah tak tau mana nak start balik dah.
nape idup makin lama makin susah
dulu senang je idup..
nak balik umur 12 tahun..
main anak patung..
main kawen2..
main tudung botol..

n then no one would say to me..
"that's ok..
just take it easy..
thing would turn ok.."
cause the ones that I used to have..
I used to share laughs and tears..
are getting far and farther from me..
left me here all alone..
with my own imaginations and dream..

then only I think,
maybe it's the way that Allah wants me to be..
to show me there's only Him no one other that would be..
the One and only to be held,
when I'm losing grip..

photo source


  1. rumeeettttt... asal?? text me if u have anything to share..

  2. sob3..xtau nk ckp..homesick kot..xreti nak wat esaimen n so on..huwaaa.

  3. Umo 12 tahun kita main "anok ke". Rinduuu gilaaa :')

  4. rindu jgk..zaman carefree kite kn :')
