Tuesday 1 February 2011

it's F.E.B.R.u.A.R.y~

February is coming..it makes only 24 days left before "i'm returned" to Auckland.. berat hati nk tinggalkn tanah air..berat lagi kaki nk melangkah ke sana..*ok,sy xla jalan kaki sampai sana*.. sejak dua tiga hari dok tgk pasal Mesir tu kn,takut pn ade nak berjauh2 dgn family n beloved ones kt sni..kat sana sape ade..kawan2 pn bile dh jd camtu sorg2 jgk kn..Nauzubillah~

Tp actually dua tiga minggu lepas i was very excited waiting for February to come..sbbnye,it is the first day Syakira would be moving in to our house in Auckland..bcoz i pun xtau mcm mane la rupe rumah tu,sgt2 excited menanti piccas dr beliau utk diupload..smoga smua indah2 belake..=))

da big event in February is on 12th..yes,the one yg i dah highlightkn dgn kaler pink =)) it's my mom's bday~happy 60th birthday mom! i LOVE u soooo mUch!! n berkongsi dgn my mom's bday.............it's my anniversary with Mr.R*blushing* waiting for it..it's almost 3 years now..xsangka selama ni bole btahan...

less big than 12th,24th is another event..i'm leaving Malaysia once again..sob3~~ sad huh? but it won't be too long until my parents are going to visit me there *insyaAllah,smoga dipermudahkan*.. so February starts by today..hope this 28 days will be great..=)


  1. yumna!!i pun dh ad blog.haha.because of you.

  2. haha..ak follow ko ni rose..ko jgn mengumpat nista ak..
