Thursday 11 October 2012

story of trust~

I have forgot where did I read this story from..but simple analogy with BIG message..

"there was a girl and a boy..who were 'good' friends..the boy gave 3 candies to the girl and the girl gave 5 candies to the boy..the boy went back and kept thinking if the girl kept any other candies for herself..that thought disturbed him for the whole day and night until he couldn't sleep..the next morning,he went to see the girl..he asked her if she couldn't sleep like him too..but the girl replied him,she slept well and she woke up with smile on her face the next morning because she had given all of her candies to the boy..she satisfied that she gave all of her candies to her "best" friend.. and the boy was shocked because he kept two candies for himself and made him felt the girl had the same thinking.."

so, what you learnt from the story?
Upon reading this story, I was reflecting myself that sometimes we think others would treat us like how we treat them..if you don't believe others, you would think others won't believe you like how you did..that's why when we hurt others, we would be worried that others would hurt us in return..just a simple story with big message..

"Ya Allah, jauhkan aku dan orang2 di sekelilingku dari buruk sangka,khianat, dengki dan dendam..semoga hati ini lebih tenang utk terus mendampingi MU dan menyayangi keluarga, sahabat, guru2 dan murid2 ku"Amiinn..iA~

Semoga nilai hati kita semua +ve ;) (credit photo)